E68 What is “The Field?” w/Vlado Ilić & Ivan Polić

In our first episode of 2020 (Happy New Year!), we have the return of Vlado Ilić and Ivan Polić to our microphones for more conversation about their work with Family Constellations. Join us as we dive into even deeper and often humorous discussion of family, love, spiritual orgasms, and “The Field.” There’s also a wonderful discussion about how to move forward from a place of love after particularly difficult and painful breakups, and Carlos finally asks Vlado the question: what’s with the orange shirts?
Vlado and Ivan first appeared on our show in Episode 63, which can be found on your favorite podcast app, or right here on YouTube: https://youtu.be/XgL1hMpBTaQ
#familyconstellations #orderoflove #schooloflife
Connect on Facebook:
Vlado: Facebook@OrderOfLoveLA  |  http://www.orderoflove.com
Ivan: Facebook@ivan.polic.71  |  https://www.familybusinessmastery.com/
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